I got new books in the mail, and it made my day! First of all, I got my first book mooched from BookMooch. I mooched
Call It Sleep: A Novel
by Henry Roth, something I've wanted to read for years and years. It's a nice, heavy paperback, and it came in perfect condition--for those of you, like Matt, who were wondering :)
Then I got something I ordered from the Huge House of Books (Amazon), a novel called
The God of Animals: A Novel
by Aryn Kyle. I'd heard it was a good book about life on a horse ranch in Colorado. One of the blurbs on the back reads, "No novel in recent memory has captured the West so well. Kyle is an absolute discovery, her book a perfect read." Well, that's a lot to live up to!
I got to thinking about Kurt Vonnegut, remembering how much fun it was to read
Slaughterhouse Five when I wasn't even really old enough to understand it, except to know that it was subversive. And my husband reminded me of one of our favorite stories from
Welcome to the Monkey House, "Who Am I This Time?", which was made into a
movie with Christopher Walken and Susan Sarandon, directed by Jonathan Demme. A nice way to remember Mr. Vonnegut.
Thanks for the update on the condition of the BookMooch book! Glad it came through in such good condition.
I received an order from Amazon myself this week. I love those packages!
Matt--I was so pleasantly surprised to get what looks like an untouched copy of the book I wanted thru BookMooch. We'll see what happens the next time...
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