Thursday, October 1, 2009

Booking Through Thursday--Would You Lie?

Here's this week's Booking Through Thursday question:

Saw this article (from March) and thought it would make a good BTT confessional question:

Two-thirds of Brits have lied about reading books they haven’t. Have you? Why? What book?

My answer is an ashamed yes. I have lied about reading books I haven't. It's been years since I did it, because at this point in my life I really couldn't care less what books people think I have or haven't read. But at one point it I felt like I hadn't read enough of the classics, and I would just nod my way through conversations about some of those books, not really committing to the fact that I hadn't read them. I couldn't pinpoint a particular book, but I seem to recall pretending to have read War and Peace. And guess what, I haven't read War and Peace. And I don't have any plans to read it at the moment, though I'm sure it's a wonderful book.

What about you, have you lied about reading any thing in particular?


jlshall said...

I could only come up with one book I actually remember lying about reading, although I've done a lot of skimming when I really should have been reading every word. Does that count? Never read War and Peace, either - and hope I never have to!

Ted said...

The 2nd one on War & Peace ! Length seems to be an important criterion since Bleak House is a favorite too.

Gentle Reader said...

jlshall--I think skimming is perfectly legal. It's my defense mechanism against books I am not completely into, but don't want to abandon, lol!

Ted--I guess the chunksters are the ones we wish we had read :)

Tina Kubala said...

Has anyone read War & Peace? I think my husband has, or so he claims. I guess you never really know.

Little Miss Nomad said...

I have read War and Peace the whole way through. It's a beautiful book and totally worth it. I highly recommend it.
I'm fairly sure I've lied about reading a book at some point, but I can't recall what, though I'm sure it was to impress a boy.

Jeane said...

I can't remember if I ever lied about having read a book. I know there's a book out there (title escaping me at the moment) about all the classic titles, it gives you just enough info that you can talk about them in public circles and appear well-read!

Gentle Reader said...

Tina--lol, maybe your husband will fess up to not having read it!

Little Miss Nomad--I actually do want to read War and Peace, but wonder when I'll have the time! I wonder if impressing a boy was ever my reason for lying about a book--probably!

Jeane--I think I need that book, if only to refresh my memory about what I have and haven't actually read!

Alex Ward said...

I once write an essay on "The Grapes of Wrath" without reading past the second chapter - does that count?