Here's this week's Booking Through Thursday question:
You, um, may have noticed that the Olympics are going on right now, so that’s the genesis of this week’s question, in two parts:
- Do you or have you ever read books about the Olympics? About sports in general?
- Fictional ones? Or non-fiction? Or both?
And, Second:
- Do you consider yourself a sports fan?
- Because, of course, if you’re a rabid fan and read about sports constantly, there’s a logic there; if you hate sports and never read anything sports-related, that, too … but you don’t have to love sports to enjoy a good sports story.
- (Or a good sports movie, for that matter. Feel free to expand this into a discussion about “Friday Night Lights” or “The Natural” or whatever…)
I'm not a sports fan, but I come from a family of sports fans. I enjoy playing some sports, but not the team variety. I haven't read many books with sports in them, but I've enjoyed many movies with a sports setting, like "The Natural", which was mentioned above. I also loved "Bull Durham", which I just watched again recently. Baseball seems to have a lot of quirky atmosphere that lends itself to movie storytelling, at least. A good friend of mine wrote a fun baseball movie called "Little Big League", which is very entertaining, too. He's kind of a renaissance guy, my friend Greg, as he is a fiction writer, poet, and also a blogger--check out his poetry and other great stuff at Gotta Book.
As far as other sports go, I'm sure there must be some good books out there in a sports setting. Do you have any recommendations?
Sports are best watched not read.
smilingsal--I think you're right. Either watched or participated in :)
How funny that this is BTT's question of the week. I've never been a sports fan nor read books about them, although watching the Olympics has made me curious about some that I might someday. My husband is an avid sports fan and keeps trying to find good books about sports to get me more interested!
jeane--my husband has definitely read more books about sports than I have. But he's never read anything that he thought I must read. He keeps on looking, though!
I love to watch baseball and read about baseball...and I'm a fan of Bull Durham.
I saw a cute movie recently about curling called Men With Brooms. Canadian.
I'm no a sports fan and I haven't read anything about the Olympics. I do have started a novel with a sports setting. It's about a coach who falls in love witha football player. Gay theme. It's written by a woman and the book is called The Front Runner.
This seems pretty tough. I can't think of ONE book on sports! A few movies yes, but a boo? Hmm ...
bybee--I like going to live baseball games, but don'st stay focused watching on TV, or listening on the radio. Haven't seen Men With Brooms, but looked it up--does sound cute!
matt--hope The Front Runner is good--let me know!
aloi--I know, it's hard to think of any books with a sports theme...I think Anne LaMott wrote a novel set in the world of tennis, but that's about all I could come up with when I thought about it :)
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